

An Orphan No More- Home Where He Belongs

An Orphan No More-  Home Where He Belongs
Christian David Snyder!!!!!!!!

The Snyders minus 1

The Snyders minus 1

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Meeting our little guy

We met him! We met him! Enough said.

So precious. So smart and easy to get along with. So cute.

We waited in the orphanage sitting room for a few minutes. Then without warning, a caregiver comes walking down the hall, holding his hand. AHH! Never in my life ...

They took us into a little room; introduced us; and then let us play with him for a few hours.
My emotions still overwhelm me. I didn't cry. Just such an overwhelming experience for all people included.

He is so sweet. Such a good boy.

Jim and I knew right away, "Yes, this is our son."


  1. So awesome. I know somewhat of how you feel - you are so out of your element and overwhelmed that you can't access the emotions that you would expect. So thankful you got to meet him - can't wait to hear more.

  2. Oh, Karen and Jim,
    How amazing! I can't even imagine what it must be like. We have that "meeting" when a baby is newly born, but what an amazing meeting, when you feel that this young child is yours, belongs to your family; you have searched his face over and over in one little picture, and now you get to look right into his little eyes--this precious child God has created---who will soon be calling you "Mama and Dadda". He has no idea what is awaiting him--four wonderful sisters and a great big brother!!.

    This morning when I checked on the Blog---there were the two new ones. (yesterday there were none). I shrieked and yelled for the girls--(Caleb was at his friends) The girls came running upstairs, and hovered around the computer as I read this blog first and then the last. They had huge smiles on their faces. Ali seemed so mature---almost adult in just being so happy for you both that all was working out. The girls said very little but there was a definite relaxed quiet exhilleration.

    I called Foutes (unsure of spelling) to alert them, but they had just found the blog and were getting ready to have Caleb come to the computer to read it.

    They are now over at Harrison having a wonderful time. Gene and I will be picking you up at the airport. We have talked to the Roths.

    Enjoy that precious little boy. God is amazingly at work. He has no idea of the wonderful family that awaits him at home----A brother who will lovingly watch over and mentor him and --wow---4 sisters who will care and love him.

    Love you all three,

  3. Proud of you guys--what an experience--sure sounds like a faith builder. We've been so anxious here and I cannot imagine how much stress you two have experienced. Glad your little guy left no doubt in your minds when you met him. Looking forward to your pictures and more details of your adventure. Your kids were great; we untied them just before we took them to the Harris's. We are eager to see you Wednesday evening at the airport. Enjoy an uneventful trip home; breathe in and breathe out. Love you both, Geno (Dad)

  4. Karen and Jim GOD is so AWESOME!! I was excited to get your blog! I have been talking to your mom on the phone since we had the girls. Ken and I took them to see a movie and then back to our house for dinner. We had a "late over" they We enjoyed them very much. I cant wait to hear more!! It is so encouraging to see how God so purposly has His hand at work in all the details. We love you and are praying for a safe journey home. don't forget to breath! and take in as much as God wants to reveal himself to you both.
    Susan P.

  5. I was so excited to see your post today! I am so thrilled that things worked out. It is true that we are all hopeless creatures on this earth. But, that God has it all in His control. Praise God!!!! Amen and Glory to the Highest! We are praying for you and know that Gods plan is perfect for your beautiful family. Adoption Rocks! And, so do you guys!!! Love you!!!! Darron and Denene Stewart

  6. All is well here...lots of fun and we've only been together one day. We made beeswax candles, soft pretzels from scratch, played games, danced and enjoyed Susan's homemade spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. We made extra garlic bread since we heard this was a favorite of the Snyder kids. Caleb arrived around 7:30pm and had fun at the Foutty's. Your children are a delight...not sure what they think of us though as we made them go to bed at 8:30! All except Caleb...he's watching football, snacking in the family room (don't tell the girls!) and entertaining us with stories of his past injuries. Now he's asking us about our worst and most painful injuries. What a hoot!

    When Susan tucked Sophie and Gretchen in tonight they asked if your kids could come back and stay with us during your next trip. Of course! Be thankful they're having fun and keeping busy...separation is so much harder on the parents we have come to realize.

    While you were en route to Frankfurt on Sunday getting spoiled in United's business class, the Colts starters were pulled in the 3rd quarter of the Jets game leading 15-10 and the Colts ended up losing 29-15 to blow their perfect season. This has dominated this week's news here in Indy and Colts fans have been extremely irate - we can discuss further over some soft pretzels after you return (I'll stock up at Sam's Club).

    Hope you were able to settle down and get some sleep. Enjoy this journey you're on together. God is in the details of your lives as well as the big stuff so rest in His care. He is so faithful. We love you and are praying for you!

    Brent & Susan

  7. God is soooo good !! How awesome it is that He has been with you in every step of your journey. Can't wait to meet your new son, in adding him to your already great family !! We will be praying for you on your return to home...

  8. Oh I'm so glad that you have been able to meet your son and get to know him! God IS good!!! Safe travels home!!
