

An Orphan No More- Home Where He Belongs

An Orphan No More-  Home Where He Belongs
Christian David Snyder!!!!!!!!

The Snyders minus 1

The Snyders minus 1

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back for the Third Trip

Well, Jim and Kevin just left. They rented a car and are driving to Cincinnati because we aren't confident the Indy- to- Cincinnati flight will go out today due to the weather. Hence, they are driving to Cincinnati, then catching that leg of the trip to fly to Amsterdam and onto Russia.

It is difficult for both Jim and I to leave the kids when we travel together to Russia. But this adoption experience had brought a whole different level of unity to our marriage. That has been a blessing! Anytime you walk togehter as a couple through such a long, spiritual experience it can be such a unifier. We are even more of a team than ever before and we have an even greater respect and love for one another. As a result of that, it was difficult for both of us to be separated on this trip. It was the right decision for me to stay home and provide a sense of normalcy for the kids. Just miss him already. After almost 15 years of marriage, it is good to feel this way. :) Could be worse!

Please pray for Jim and Kevin- for safety and a smooth road in Russia. They are applying for our son's passport and then coming home. Sounds easy is amazing how long it can take. They are leaving today (Saturday) and return on Thursday afternoon.

I'll keep you posted as the details unfold!

Part 2 of this post:

Great news! I received a call earlier tonight from Jim. He called from the plane in Cincinnati- it was to take off shortly! Terrific! With all the bad weather, we weren't 100% sure that the flight would take off. Of course, I had prayed that it would but also trust God that if for some reason it wasn't the best timing or there were a safety issue, the boys would return home and reschedule the trip. If I have learned anything through this, it is to hold plans loosely and to trust The Lord that He is more than capable of handling the details.

One more precious side note: Last night, several of our children put money from their piggy bank into an envelop and gave it to Jim and I for the adoption. So precious to see their hearts. Sophia just added, "I know it isn't new money but maybe you can use it for all the airplane flights". (They have gone with us to get "new money" for our travels- that is a requirement in Russia). As I looked at the bundle of folded up bills, I was reminded of our family trip to the bank in early December. All 5 children went with us to the bank to turn in change that had been raised/donated for the adoption. When we got to the bank, the cashier gave us coin wrappers to roll the coins. So all 7 of us went over to a corner in the back of the bank, sat down on the floor, and rolled coins for quite a long time. Curious onlookers stopped us and asked what we were all doing. With a smile, we explained that this was money to bring the children's brother home from Russia. As I remember that day, my eyes well with tears and a smile comes across my lips. God is molding us and we will all be better off as He continues to leave His imprint on our hearts.

Can't wait to share these stories with our son when he gets older. A VERY much wanted part of our family....

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