

An Orphan No More- Home Where He Belongs

An Orphan No More-  Home Where He Belongs
Christian David Snyder!!!!!!!!

The Snyders minus 1

The Snyders minus 1

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bringing Our Son Home

OK, I can tell we are getting close to bringing our son home because I am getting more and more emotional. :) Watch out, I cry pretty easily these days. Now part of that is because I am snowed under with things I need to do this week. But I'm not really talking about that. I am talking about the good stuff- buying little boy pull ups, picking out his snacks for the plane, bringing Caleb's old dresser out of storage for our little guy, looking at all his cute little jeans and sweatshirts and socks.....that is the good stuff that tugs at my heart.

More than that, it is hitting me more and more each day that he will soon be part of "us". He will be sleeping upstairs, wearing his cutie pjs and running around with 4 sisters and a brother and an onery puppy. He'll be holding Snickerdoodle's leash and running around the circle with Bella. Can I tell you how excited I am for him!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for us.. for all of us... that we GET to have him in our family. But I look back at the pictures from our first trip. My heart is still pierced by the sadness and the fear that I saw in those big brown eyes. Each trip, I see a bit more life in those eyes. And that stoic face ... he still seems to fight smiling... but each time, it comes a bit easier.

So, gotta get my boy home! I want to see those eyes shine. I want to see a BIG smile and hear him giggle so hard his stomach hurts. I want to fill his belly with good, healthy food and fill his heart with the deep love of Jesus and a family that thinks he's precious. Jesus has such a heart for the weak, the marginalized and those without a voice.

We are priviledged to be able to watch The Lord give this little boy a whole new life- we get to see the trasformation in front of us . How cool is that! ? And may God be glorified every step of the way.

May our hearts forever beat differently and continue to help other orphans, just like our son.

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