

An Orphan No More- Home Where He Belongs

An Orphan No More-  Home Where He Belongs
Christian David Snyder!!!!!!!!

The Snyders minus 1

The Snyders minus 1

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rounding the Bases

I've talked to Jim via skype several times this past week. It sounds as if he had several special visits with our little guy. I wish I could have been there. :) But I am glad that daddy is bonding so well with his son. Jim amd Kevin also were able to take out little guy out of the orphanage to get his passport picture taken. Jim said that they dressed him up so snug that only the middle of his face showed. So they took him down the street to a local store, unwrapped him, took his photo, wrapped him up and took him back to the orphange. Poor little guy! Seems like a shame to show him some freedom and then... well soon enough.

It sounds as if Kevin and Jim became quite the experts with public transportation. They rode the train and the subway. Jim says they found some good spots to buy souveniers for the kids. Jim and I had only been taken to one store in previous trips so it was great to have Kevin's leadership in scouting out other avenues. According to Jim, Kevin is quite the adventurer! He has taken Jim way outside of his comfort zone there. But I know Jim is glad and I can only imagine that Jim will be "stretching" me on our next trip. I'm pretty timid in Russia, I readily admit.

Jim did share some great news with me today! The passport office actually gave Jim a date as to when our son's passport will be ready. We didn't expect that at all. We were told that we would get a range of a few weeks. I got a little teary when Jim told me about this great news. I think it is just finally sinking in- our son is actually going to come home!!!!!!! Sometimes, you feel as if this adoption process is just going to continue indefinitely. We are just going to continue to fill out paperwork, write checks and fly to Russia occasionally to visit with this precious child. But no! It is hitting me that eventually he will just come home and be in our family! Wow!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh my, I have sooo much to do) :)

So as of today, we will leave home again in late February and pick him up in early March. We will narrowly miss bringing him home for his bday. Bummer! But, that's OK. I was prepared for that. So anyway, anything can happen... I've really come to realize that. But, with God' s help, we could have him home in around 3 1/2 weeks. I want to scream, I am so excited! Just bubbling over........

So lots of reasons to celebrate!

We so appreciate the outpouring of love, support, prayer, help with the kids, encouragement...we continue to feel blessed to have such a great community of believers as our friends. You give us strength for the journey.

As I was considering the title of this post, my mind immediately went to baseball. I see an image of us flying around 3rd base (3rd trip to Russia) and we are rounding toward home. Can't wait to bring our son across homeplate! Beautiful..................

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the baseball analogy you gave...I am such a visual person anyway, that that totally resonated in me :-) SOOOOO excited for you guys!!!!! Can't wait to meet my new nephew! Will also pray for your last trip and that you can take advantage of your surroundings as you will NOT have to go back this time ! Yipee!!!!
