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An Orphan No More-  Home Where He Belongs
Christian David Snyder!!!!!!!!

The Snyders minus 1

The Snyders minus 1

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

So Thankful

We serve such a personal God. I am feeling so excited that I don't quite know what to do with myself. :)

On my last blog, I was very honest about my weaknesses and fears. I talked about how many planes we have to get on and off of, the mounting bills, etc. Stuff that I can trust God with but am struggling to face.

Huge praise! As we looked at the dates we might travel next, the flights had gone down significantly. Actually the cost to fly at the end of this month is almost half of what it cost last month. Almost half! And this same flight has only 1 stop! We had to change planes 3 times last trip- just going to Russia alone. Moreover, Jim found a different hotel with a comparable price with more wireless access (so we can skype with the kids for free instead of buying phonecards)and is supposed to have more people that speak English working there. I am all up for an adventure and all but there are so many adventures packed into an international adoption that an English speaking person here and there is kind of nice. :)

Much is still up in the air. I called the FBI to get the status of our fingerprints and it could still be weeks. Moreover, there are a few more new tricky paperwork requirements that they have insisted upon. We hope to go back to Russia the last week of the month but it is obvious that only He can make that happen.

The children's prayers are more and more fervent as they have seen more pictures and now video of their little brother. Bella was watching the video today and told my mom, "He's coming to my house!" And she smiled so big!

I so appreciate your prayers and encouragement. Trying not to cling to anything but so hopeful and encouraged. Yippee!!!


  1. Karen: I know exactly how you feel. I have been there feeling those same things. How can I do this? How will this work out? So many questions. Just rest with peace in your mind that HE WILL MAKE A WAY!!! It will all work out. Try and embrace the adventure as something fun. I know it's hard to do. But, will make planning and experiencing a little easier. When all of this is over, just think what a world traveler you will be able to handle anything that this world can throw at you with God by your side. It actually is quite liberating! Praying for you. If you ever want to talk, give me a shout. Love, Denene Stewart

  2. I just cry seeing God's plan for your family unfold! We have had MANY conversations while on your journey, and I am so NOT suprised yet still so overwhelmed at the beauty and goodness of our Father that He is unveiling to you and through you. Love you guys so much and can't wait to see God continue to show more and more of himself to You and can't wait to see my sweet nephew in person!!!!!!!!!!!!
